A photographic journey of weirdness
Friday afternoon, trying to find Karl*s old house in the 7th

Saturday meeting up with Anne-Laure and Benjamin, note Anne-Laure is the levitating girl in the middle of the picture below. She was running towards me in a crazy mood

Benjamin AKA my own private bodyguard, comes with his own earplug

Celebrity stalking near Colette Store, we found franco-american actress/singer Arielle Dombasle dressed up in some sexy outfit and smoking

Beerbottles in the midle of Avenue de l*Opéra

Vivienne Westwooding at the Galleries Lafayette

Trying on our new winter hat collection

I will get a red one! Definitely!

On top of Printemps department store, they installed a winter maze out of ice walls and an ice igloo

igloo hole

Paris view (Notre Dame to the left)

A breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower yet again

Passing by the never ending mural updates at Serge Gainsbourg*s old house

Uh-Oh, time to go buy new pants!

The Procope, oldest café in Paris, dressed up for christmas

We got dinner at the "pdg", best burgers in town

Sunday afternoon, on my way to Starbucks, found an old TV in my street

Back home with my goodies and a latté

Labels: Paris street stuff (NOT a TOILET), people, shopping
Dearest New Friend,
It was a delight to speak with you this weekend. I am weary from my work as a homeowner. I painted today while Erik and Madison frolicked and created charming chaos! I do look forward to more chatting and perhaps emailing in the future. I certainly look forward to meeting you IN THE FLESH next June.
Blessed Be
Teri/Teri Doudna-North ( I cant drop the North until I am legally divorced without paying a ridiculous amount of money)