Musée de la Légion d'Honneur, Paris
0 Comments Published by Cedric Benetti on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 7/07/2010 04:10:00 PM.

The museum of the Legion of Honnor is situated in the converted old stables wing of the Hotel de Salm, which was commissioned by Prince Frederic III of Salm-Kyrbourg to architect Pierre Rousseau in 1782 and completed in 1788. The Legion of Honour acquired it in 1804. The palace got severely damaged in the Paris Commune fire and was identically rebuilt by Mortier between 1871 and 1878. It is the residence of the Grand Chancellor and the headquarters of the Order.

The collections consist of the historic core of the medals and orders, but also hold an impressive collection of portraits, military uniforms and historic clothes, sculptures, furniture and anything else relating to the history of military, chivalry and religious orders, which is put on display and into context in the ground floor rooms.

The museum is situated on the entrance plaza of the musée d'Orsay, but most tourists obviously ignore the Hotel de Salm to go oogle at the impressionnists inside the former train station (be ye warned, there are major construction works in planning at the Orsay, as the impressionnist paintings rooms will be remodeled and reorganized, and thus there will be less on display in a more reduced and ridiculously small space, and major paintings will be sent to international exhibitions over the next years in order to make some monies for the museum. So if you want to visit, do make sure your favored paintings are still on display).
In the second part of our tour (I'll post more in a bit) we'll take a look at the collections of European and international orders.

More to come...
Labels: exhibitions, FASHION, MUSEUMS, Paris Mansions, photography
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